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Þóra @Flow
Jun 10, 20201 min read
að hugleiða með Flow
Allt okkar efni miðast við að hjálpa notendum að upplifa jákvæða orku, fá innblástur og auka afköst. Hugleiðslurnar eru hannaðar til að...

Þóra @Flow
Jun 5, 20201 min read
Af hverju að hugleiða með opin augun í sýndarveruleika?
Ímyndaðu þér að þú sért á Rauðasandi á háfjöru. Þú horfir á sjóinn fyrir framan þig og ert með hvíta ströndina á bakvið þig, allt í...

Kristín Hrefna
Jun 4, 20202 min read
Streituvaldandi draumaferðir og besta leiðin til þess að komast hjá þeim
Þú liggur í iðagrænni laut sem lítill lækur rennur í gegnum, glaðlind en samt lágvær börn leika fallega við hlið þér, rauðköflótti...

Apr 29, 20203 min read
From Iceland to New York with LOVE
Imagine on the frontlines of a hospital in New York a group of nurses face confronting and relentlessly stress inducing images daily....

Mar 29, 20192 min read
NOVA — FlowVR pilot study: More proven positive effects!
Flow recently did a two week pilot study in collaboration with NOVA in Iceland at their headquarters in Reykjavik. NOVA is Iceland’s...

Mar 14, 20193 min read
Good news from Flowvr’s Corporate Wellness Front!
Good news from Flowvr’s Corporate Wellness Front! FlowVR is proud to report some of the important findings from our most recent pilot...

Nov 5, 20182 min read
We are the champions, my friends!
FLOWVR won the top Gulleggið 2018 award! “This is huge for FLOWVR because Gulleggið is the most prestigious award for startups in...

Oct 11, 20186 min read
How to Minimize Stress Before, During, and After Your Vacation
It’s a Catch-22 millions of workers face: You plan a vacation to relax, rejuvenate, and forget all about the stresses of work. But being...
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